Awesome Sports Montage

Sports represent everything that is good about humanity. The display of skill, endurance, dedication, and heart is why the turnstiles keep turning at stadiums and televisions remained tuned to the games despite ever increasing costs and complications. Sport is emotion laid bare: the exultation of victory, the joys of accomplishment, the desolation of crushed dreams, and the sadness of defeat, all on display for millions to see. We see in sports what we wish we could see in ourselves more often, which is why we watch. The above video is a spine tingling compilation of some of the greatest moments in sports, representing the spirit of why we play, and why we...

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Before and After Drugs Photos, But Not the Kind You Think

We’re used to seeing devastating photos of people’s faces and bodies horribly disfigured by drug use. You know, the before photo of the perfectly normal, attractive twenty-something who, in their “after drug use photo” looks like an eighty-five-year-old homeless person. That’s the story the media loves covering. Hey, look at these perfectly normal people! Now, look at them after a few hits of crack! They’ve turned into hideous monsters. But what about the flip side of that? What about the people who were heavy drug addicts until they started treatment–treatment that helped them achieve full recovery. The below photos tell that tale. And what a tale it is. The ten people in the following photos were big-time drug users until they made the conscious choice to turn their lives around and seek treatment. We here at Golden Twist thought the photos were remarkable. via...

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Dudes Dealing With Breakups

While some of this stuff is obviously a bit over-exaggerated, it’s still absolutely hilarious, and the acting is really, really top-notch. Like, to the point where it was SO good it almost took away from the skit itself — but in a way, it also heightened it because it became much funnier than perhaps it would have been with less skilled actors. In regards to the truthfulness of the video, however, a lot of the stuff is true, from the working out to get ripped right after a breakup, all the way to watching a ton more, super-specific porn to help “fill the void.” Wait, what am I admitting to here… uhh… so yeah, just go watch the video, it’s good stuff....

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BBC Reporter Keeping It Real

Now don’t get me wrong — I get the whole buzz and excitement surrounding the birth of a new Royal baby in England. Especially since it’s now been revealed that it’s a boy. Anyway, as someone who’s had two kids myself, I know just how awesome, magical and all that good stuff that a new infant being born can bring. Outside of the specific and gruesome details surrounding the baby’s actual and physical arrival via the absolute decimation of our good old friend, the vagina, the birth of new baby’s is generally an amazing, happy and soul-warming kind of time. “More to come… none of it news… because I don’t come from Buckingham Palace.” Now, while I can’t say for certain, because, well, let’s be honest — who can ever really tell for certain what in the world those crazy Brits are saying half the time anyway — I’m going to go on a limb here and Mr. Simon McCoy (the reporter’s name, dummy) is basically saying, “Hey, it’s not my kid, why in the heck are we going to be reporting exclusively on this baby for the next 72 hours nonstop?” And hey, he has a point. But then again, you can kind of understand why there’ll be such non-stop news coverage. So I guess it’s neither here nor there and this entire spiel has been completely pointless. Until next time, friends, same Bat time, same Bat...

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Goshdarnit Frank, Too Soon!

We all have those friends without a filter. Those stupid, stupid, friends that usually cause us to get into fistfights with random strangers at completely random times of day or night. Apparently, Frank Taaffe is just one of those kinds of people. Now, I’m not necessarily saying that what this scumbag said was funny in any way, shape, or form – but what was funny is everyone’s exasperated reaction to what he said. It’s almost as if they knew he’d say it and weren’t too surprised that he did say it, but were still disgusted because it was just a classic case of Frank being Frank. “Goshdarnit Frank, TOO SOON!” As for Frank, well… maybe we should just tie him up, shoot him and throw him off a boat into the deep ocean, yes? Who’s with me?! Wait, what? Oh… I’m doing that not filtering what I type thing again, aren’t I? Ah… sorry guys. My...

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