The Horrors of Getting Caught Looking at Porn

Courtesy of Key & Peele, we present to you an excellent skit detailing the sudden, cripplingly abrupt horrors of being caught looking at porn. Like a lot of skits that Key & Peele do, they really hit the nail on the head and portray exactly what it would be like to have your girlfriend or wife air her suspicions that you’re looking at porn on your/her computer. This is briefly replaced with a seemingly relieving feeling when she explains she really doesn’t care if you look at porn, so long it isn’t any of that, “weird, crazy stuff.” Aaaand the cripplingly abrupt feelings of horror return yet again. Ultimately, the moral of the story is that while it’s good to cover your tracks and clear your Internet history after looking at porn, you shouldn’t do it literally every few hours or else run the risk of being caught for being too careful. Words to live by,...

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Big Bang Theory Parody

Just like Grand Theft Auto V (that we just happened to be talking about recently), The Big Bang Theory is similarly polarizing. Either you love it or you hate it. Either you think it’s innocently, charmingly funny or you think it tries entirely-too-hard to be a blatant, shameless hipster take on dork-geek culture. Regardless of your particular thoughts on the show, the parody in the video above is spot-on. So even if you’ve only seen the show once or twice, you should still manage to find said parody quite amusing. And really, isn’t that what parodies are all about? God bless...

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Mythbusters: Grand Theft Auto V Edition

This video isn’t really in the same vein as the pure humor/straight-up funny style videos we usually post here, but it does give me an excuse to talk about Grand Theft Auto V. Unless you’ve been living under some kind of joyless, non-entertaining-in-any-way-rock the past several months, you’ve no doubt heard about Grand Theft Auto V. When it comes to GTA, people are usually in two camps. You either enjoy it and love playing through the series, completing the mafia-criminal style missions, causing general, good-natured mayhem and maybe obscurely banging a virtual prostitute or two, or you hate it — citing the game and it’s free-form, open-world as a spawning source of corruption and everything that’s wrong with today’s youth. Hopefully if you’re reading this, then you have a sense of humor and general, easygoing outlook on life as we do. And if you do, there’s a good chance you should be able to find much enjoyment, amusement and generalized entertainment out of Grand Theft Auto V. This particular video is an equally-amusing take on the game, combining the lighthearted devil’s advocate nature of the TV show Mythbusters. Basically, it goes about taking a rumor or myth about the game and going about proving it right or wrong. Pretty simple, no? However, considering some of the “myths” that are “busted” involve things like whether or not you can tow a police car while it’s actively trying to pursue you and, well… you certainly don’t have to be an actual Grand Theft Auto V player yourself to get some entertainment out of these zany, humorous videos. (Plus, the musics quite catchy — albeit in a dangerously borderline you’re-going-to-be-humming-this-to-yourself-for-the-next-two-weeks-probably-sorry-about-that kind of...

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